Last reviewed: 08/JAN/2025
All memberships offer you the right to access our facilities during the period purchased, the memberships are not associated with your ability to attend the facility and therefore can not be rolled over or part-refunded if you are unable to attend for any reason.
These following terms & conditions refer to the QFit Gym services and facilities offered.
Where any special offers are available these terms shall underpin any conditions imposed however there may be specific restrictions which may apply to the special offer only and in those circumstance the offer conditions shall be deemed to override these standard Terms.
We reserve the right to amend these terms and conditions, and upon doing so we will provide a minimum 45 days notice on our website and using posters or flyers within the gym facility.
NOTE: The Qfit Gym is owned by QUADRANT LEISURE, therefore Quadrant may show as a payment on your statements.
Where stated as ‘we‘, ‘us‘ or ‘our‘ will identify as the QFit Gym. Reference to ‘you‘, ‘your‘ will identify you as as an individual member
Casual or non-contracted members refer to any membership with a monthly membership, and those who have signed up to a fixed payment / period such as direct debit or a recurring card transaction.
Ashbourne Services – are a third party organisation who process and manage all members direct debit payments on our behalf.
Stripe – are a third party organisation who process and manage all card payments processed online on our behalf.
Per Week – where stated for bookings, GymPLUS or Priority memberships refers to a period starting on a Monday ending on a Saturday.
The QFit Gym is owned by Quadrant Leisure CIC, an independent social enterprise, registered in England (no 08787573), our registered address is The John Willie Sams Centre, Market St, Dudley, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE23 7HS.
If you wish to contact us, please email bookings @
2.0 Standard memberships are offered on a calendar month and are valid from the date of purchase
2.1 A memberships paid via Direct Debit will commence with a minimum 2 month contract
2.2 Memberships renewed automatically by credit/debit card have an ongoing agreement until cancelled by you (see section 8 below)
2.3 Membership fees are paid in advance
2.4 It is your responsibility to ensure you have an active membership to use our facility or services
2.5 You will be required to sign in / register at the start of each session
2.6 You agree as a member to conduct yourself in a manner which does not cause disruption, harm or a potential hazard to you, other users or staff
2.7 We reserve the right to cancel a membership and/or suspend any person who is deemed to be in breach of these terms and conditions.
2.8 Memberships are open to anyone aged 14 or above
2.9 The option to pay as you go per session is only open to those aged 16 or over
All complaints will be dealt with in strict confidence and in a timely manner
3.1 Please report concerns verbally to a member of staff as soon as possible, if you feel unable to do so, or do not get satisfaction, please email us via info @
3.2 We will acknowledge your communication within 48hrs
3.3 Written complaints must be submitted within 7 days on any incident.
3.4 You must include full contact details, these however will not be made public or shared with third parties without consent.
3.5 We will endeavour to respond to your complaint within 14 days of receipt
3.6 We are a not-for-profit community interest company and all complaints will be dealt with by two or more independent members of the committee.
3.7 Please be aware that we have a lawful obligation where any complaint raises concern involving any criminal, sexual or safeguarding concerns, that we inform the relevant authorities in all cases.
3.8 All enquiries and/or complaints about Direct Debit Payments and disputes must go to Ashbourne Services
4.1 You are responsible for the correct and safe usage of all our facilities and equipment.
4.2 You are responsible for ensuring we hold an up to date physical activity questionnaire and have accurate records of your contact details for emergencies
4.3 We are not responsible to you for the following types of loss or damage:
- (a) of a kind that is not reasonably foreseeable;
- (b) which results from you misusing the Branch and its equipment; or
- (c) from any events which are beyond our reasonable control.
4.4 Nothing in our terms is intended to limit or exclude our liability for death or personal injury caused by negligence or the negligence of our employees, fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation, or otherwise where we are not permitted to limit or exclude our liability by English law.
4.5 We will not accept any liability for any loss, damage, or accident to you or your property which occur in any public area of the facility, such as walkways, corridors, toilets or changing rooms. Public areas are managed and owned by our landlord, North Tyneside Council.
5.1 You agree to access our facilities in good faith and represent that you are in good health and are not knowingly incapable of engaging in either active or passive exercise.
5.2 By attendance and/or use, you warrant that such exercise or involvement would not be detrimental to your health, safety, comfort, well-being or physical condition.
5.3 Should ill health dictate you are no longer able to attend during your membership period for a duration of 30 days or more, you must inform us in writing stating your circumstances. We reserve the right to suspend a membership in those circumstances for a period lasting no longer than 60 days
6.1 We reserve the right to review our prices based upon business requirements.
6.2 Where any fee increase is applied, we shall provide a minimum 30 days notice through our facility notice boards, website and media channels where practical.
6.3 You will have no redress should any promotions be offered to attract new customers
6.4 Where you cancel a fixed membership, or decide not to renew a rolling membership, you must wait a minimum 30 days before re-joining
6.5 We reserve the right to offer discounts on any, or all of our membeships at any time
6.6 Where a discounted membership is purchased via Universal Credit (UC) elgibility, we will require proof of customers UC award at the point of purchase. UC discounts only apply to one-month standard gym memberships.
7.1 We may wish to take photographs of activities and class participation for marketing purposes, where we do so, we shall offer all participants the opportunity to step aside whilst this takes place
7.2 No person under the age of 16 shall be photographed without explicit parental consent
7.3 All imagery used for marketing is copyright to The QFit Gym and no reimbursement or payment shall be made or owned to the customer.
Our casuaI single month memberships where you pay in-person by cash or card will automatically expire at the end of the calendar month from the date of purchase.
8.1 Once you purchase your membership, it will become ‘Active’
8.2 There are no refunds once a membership is active regardless of use
8.3 To cancel a Direct Debit payment, you must contact us via email and provide a minimum 10 days notice prior to your renewal date to stop the payment from being processed. (bookings @
8.4 Once any renewal payment has been processed this will not be refunded
8.5 All Direct Debits commence with an agreement to make a minimum 2 payments (2 month period). You may not cancel or obtain a refund during your initial direct debit contract membership period
8.6 If you cancel a direct debit through your bank please be aware this does not cancel your membership or your direct debit mandate (your obligation to pay us) – see 8.3 above.
8.7 A membership will remain active and DD payments will continue to be requested until such time as we receive your written notice to cancel. We will accept no liability, nor offer any compensation, refund or redress for any automatic DD payments that continue to be made without a cancellation notice being received.
8.8 Where the cancellation notice has been proven to be submitted correctly, and we have failed to cancel the payments in error, all excess payments will be refunded.
Please see our refunds policy page here for full details.
9.1 Fees
There are no cancellation fees where the customer has followed the full cancellation process.
9.2 Class discount cards
There are no refunds or credits allowed to any Class discount / Referral Card. All cards are valid for up to a maximum of 3 months from the date of purchase, or until the last credit is used, whichever is sooner!
Once a renewal has been processed there are no refunds.
10.1 Unless stated otherwise, you must pre-book to attend our facility or access any of our services
10.2 Where you have booked and fail to show up without notifying us, or attend, you will forfeit that session
10.3 Where you fail to notify us about non attendance, we reserve the right to restrict or control future bookings by you without recompense
10.4 Where we cancel a session or service, you will have the right to reschedule that service for free, subject to availability. (this does not apply to weekly group exercise classes)
- All users must sign in / register at reception on arrival for each visit
- If you are unsure as to how to use any piece of equipment, please speak to a member of staff
- Coats and bags not permitted onto the gym floor, free lockers are available
- No open cups/cans are allowed within the gym facility, drinks must have a sealed lid
- You may not use the gym whilst under the influence of alcohol, narcotics, tranquilizers or any medication or other substance which may affect your ability to exercise safely
- Please ensure all equipment is cleaned and stored away after use
- We will not tolerate the use of any foul language or any behaviour that may cause harm, upset or distress to staff or other users
- Any aggression, or a perceived threat of aggression or violence will result in the person(s) being ejected and local authorities / police may be informed
- We do not allow users to coach or deliver personal training to other users within this facility. Anyone perceived to be training other users will be asked to leave the gym immediately without recompense
- Members are solely responsible for their own belongings. The QFit Gym accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage to personal property.
- Members are asked to only use the lockers for the duration of their training session.
- Members must inform staff of changes to any contact details.
- By accessing the gym members are deemed to have read and understood the terms and conditions of membership.
- Should your personal medical circumstances change you are required to inform us immediately.
- Smoking, including e- cigarettes are strictly prohibited in all areas of the building
- Staff reserve the right to remove any person who is perceived to be behaving in a manner that may disrupt, endanger or cause distress to other users
- The Qfit Gym reserve the right to terminate the membership or restrict use of the facility to any person who is in breach of the etiquette and/or membership conditions.